J.B Priestley`s "An inspector calls".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
what is the dramatic importance of the inspector? introdution Written in 1945 J.B Priestley`s "An inspector calls" is set almost four decades previous in 1912 at the heart of the industrial revolution. As with "Time and the Calyways", "dangerous corner" and several other of his plays Priestly introduces the recurring theme of the effect of an individuals actions over others. devices emphasising hi importance The play at first gives the impression of a detective thriller …

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…ll as getting the message of the play across are also useful in steering the play, moving the plot forward and adding to the audiences' interest. For the impact of Priestly message to be convey successfully to the audience, the audience must first take notice and become interested in the play. The dramatic touches employed by priestly help to capture the audience's attention and express his message more clearly, allowing it to be better interpreted.